Internet and society: The concept of the bill on the Internet regulation to be ready by April

28 February 2013

The concept of the bill on Internet regulation will be ready by April. This was stated on February 27, 2013 at the meeting of the Council of experts on legal regulations of relation in the Internet, held in ITAR-TASS, by the President of the Fund for Information democracy Ilya Massukh.

According to the State Duma deputy and one of the authors of the initiative Robert Schlegel, the purpose of the regulation is the realization of the Internet potential and civil rights. “Relations that now exist in the network are not regulated. The self-regulation is not fully operated due to a large number of users”, - he noted. According to him, the document will concern issues of delineating the jurisdiction of the Russian Federation, it will clarify the conceptual apparatus, it will be regulated the responsibility of all parties of interrelations in the Internet.

“This is the document which is not final. It was proposed for the discussion, at the same time the proposals were launched by the Russian Association of Electronic Communications. These two processes do not prevent each other”, - said the deputy. He also stressed that by April, to the forum RIF+CIB, you should try to come “to some more or less finished document”.

Previously Schlegel said that the concept can be introduced to the State Duma in autumn.