To the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov: Exhibition at the Kostroma Regional Scientific Library

28 February 2013

At the Kostroma Regional Scientific Library there was officially opened the exhibition of paintings, posters and works of art, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov. The collection of unique exhibits was donated by the former mayor of Kostroma Boris Korobov, calling himself a descendant of Ivan Susanin. 

Among the exhibits, donated to the Kostroma museums, libraries and archives, is the bust of Ivan Susanin made by the method of Gerasimov, found at the proposed place of death of the national hero on Yusupovskoye swamp, as well as posters and paintings reflecting the history of Kostroma and its relationship with the Romanov dynasty.

For several years Korobov was managed to find several unique exhibits, related to the history of Kostroma and the House of Romanov, to restore in scale 1:3 the destroyed in the Soviet time monument to Tsar Mikhail Feodorovich of 1851, decorated with high relief of Ivan Susanin.