Book publishing and book distribution: The Book Fair “Joy of the Word” in Veliky Novgorod

27 February 2013

February 27 in Veliky Novgorod opens the Book Fair “Joy of the Word”. The exhibition will be held in the Column Hall of the Novgorod Regional Philharmonic Society from February 27 to March 3. The exhibition is organized by the Publishing Council for the Russian Orthodox Church, the Novgorod Diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church, and the Administration of the Novgorod region.

As part of the Book Fair “Joy of the word” will be widely presented the Orthodox spiritual, moral, classical, educational, children’s, art and journalistic literature.

The program of event of the exhibition “Joy of the Word” will be interested both to specialists of the book market and ordinary readers. Every day in the cultural and educational program of the exhibition will be organized presentations of new editions, round tables, meetings with writers, performances of art groups and workshops.

The Book Fair “Joy of the Word” is the educational project of the Publishing Council of the Russian Orthodox Church, so the main purposes of the exhibition are satiation of regional book markets with the quality book production, fostering spiritual, cultural and moral traditions in the field of culture and education, the promotion of spiritual and moral education of young and rising generation, the renewed interest to literature and reading among citizens, the demonstration of the new that is happening in the book market.