Information technology and authority: Government commission has approved IT priorities for state bodies of Russia
On February 13, 2013 the Head of the Ministry of Communications and Mass Media of Russia Nikolay Nikiforov held a regular meeting of the Government Commission on the implementation of information technology (IT) in the activity of state and local governments. The meeting was attended by members of the Government Commission, representatives of public authorities and other organizations.
During the meeting there were taken decisions on four issues in the agenda. As part of the discussion participants of Commission drew attention to the need to improve the quality of technical support systems of interdepartmental electronic interaction (SIEI) and to provide more efficient, transparent and accessible system of health monitoring services. On this issue, it was decided to develop by the Russian Ministry of Communications of the appropriate method of testing and monitoring, and the establishment of the center and the situation of online health monitoring services.
During the meeting of the commission there was approved the procedure for coordination of events on information of public authorities in the years 2014-2016. There was approved a number of documents: a single form of a consolidated opinion on the preliminary draft plans for Information, guidance accounting information systems, and components of the IT infrastructure, the priorities for the development of IT in government agencies, as well as the timetable for the preparation and approval of plans for informatization.
Requirements of federal government information spatial planning system with other information systems within the framework of e-government infrastructure are approved.
The final decision of the meeting of the Commission was the adoption of an action plan for the development of SAS “Management” in 2013.