Society and culture: Exhibition of works by Peterhof artists to the 110th anniversary of Simon Geychenko in the Pskov region

11 February 2013

In the Museum Reserve of A. S. Pushkin “Mikhailovskoye” on February 10, 2013 opened the exhibition “I was born in Peterhof”, dedicated to the 110th anniversary of the birth of Simon Geychenko, a legendary keeper of Pushkinskiye Gory.

February 14, 2013 it is marked 110 years of the birth of S. Geychenko. In this regard, the personality of legendary keeper is in the limelight. The beginning of the great jubilee action will be February 14: this day in the Pushkin Reserve will open the XVI Scientific and Museum readings to the memory of Geychenko, which will be attended by more than thirty museum specialists, librarians, and teachers.

Semyon Stepanovich Geychenko (1903-1993), a senior scientist of the Institute of Literature of the USSR, was appointed director of the Pushkin Reserve in May 1945. A new job, familiar to Geychenko before the war years, appeared before him ruined. But by 1949, to the 150th anniversary of the birth of Alexander Pushkin, there was restored and opened to the public a house of babysitting and house-museum of the poet in Mikhailovskoye. At the same time it is restored the architectural ensemble of the Svyatogorsk monastery. By 1958, the Pushkin Mikhailovskoye acquired appearance, consistent with what was captured by surveyor Igor Ivanov in 1837 and is known for lithography in 1838.

Annually, in the Museum Reserve, along with the dates are celebrated Pushkin memorial days of Simon Geychenko: birthday - February 14, the name day – February 15.