Memory of the World: International Exhibition project, dedicated to foreign campaigns of the Russian Army in 1813-1814
In the gallery of Visaginas (Lithuania) at the same time were opened two exhibitions - from Russia and Latvia. Specialists of the Kaliningrad Regional Museum of History and Art, with the support of the regional Ministry of Culture presented the exhibition “The foreign campaigns”. The exhibition tells the audience about the liberating mission of the Russian army in Europe, when the Russian Army expelled from its territory the enemy troops, under the command of Mikhail Kutuzov the foreign campaign began, freeing European states. The first on the way of Russian troops was East Prussia.
Its project, dedicated to life and fighting way of the hero of the Patriotic War of 1812, the Russian general Y. P. Kulnev, was presented in the gallery by museum workers from the Latvian town Ludza.
The exhibition “The foreign campaigns” will run in the town of Visaginas till mid-February, then the exposition will be available at the cultural and business center “Moscow House” in Riga.