To the Day of Russian Science: Exhibition “Heritage of V. I. Vernadsky and modern science” in Cheboksary

8 February 2013

From February 5, 2013 in the department of the branch literature of the National library of the Chuvash Republic is presented the exhibition “The heritage of V. I. Vernadsky and modern science”, timed to the 150th anniversary of the great scholar and thinker.

The exhibition features major capital works of V. I. Vernadsky: “Biosphere”, “Essays on Geochemistry”, “The history of the minerals of the Earth crust”, “Problems of biochemistry”.

The phenomenon of V. I. Vernadsky has an amazing ability: time does not diminish the value of his ideas and works. The synthetic work of the scholar is an integral phenomenon not only for the Russian and Ukrainian, but also the world culture.  This is due to the fact that its conceptual developments are on the foundation of proven principles and facts.

The exhibition “The heritage of V. I. Vernadsky and modern science” features literature on the life and work of the outstanding scientist and academic researcher relevance of scientific ideas for modern science.