International events: Historical-documentary exhibition “The writers and intellectuals of Russia and France: walks through the archives of the XX century” in Moscow

8 February 2013

February 8, 2013 at the Exhibition hall of Federal Archives (Moscow) is opening the historical-documentary exhibition “Writers and intellectuals of Russia and France: walks through the archives of the XX century”, prepared as part of events, completing the Year “France – Russia 2012: language and literature”.

Chronologically, the exposition covers the period from 1917 to 1980 and tells the story of Russian –French cultural and intellectual relations in the XX century.

The philosophical and ideological components of these relations are revealed by the following themes: French journalists and diplomats about new Russia (documentary evidence of Jacques Sadoul and Joseph Nulence); Russian writers of the first wave of emigration and Days of Russian culture in France (Zinaida Shakhovskaya, Nathalie Sarraute, Serge Lifar); the Soviet “cultural diplomacy” and visits of French writers and intellectuals to the USSR (Henri Barbusse, Romain Rolland, Jean-Paul Sartre); Society “the USSR – France” and the French intellectuals - for peace between peoples (Elsa Triolet, Picasso and Louis Aragon); scientists between France and Russia (P. Miliukov, P. Struve, N. Berdyaev, F. Joliot-Curie); literary processes in France against the “communist regime of the USSR” (Victor Kravchenko, David Rousset); N. Khrushchev and Soviet intelligentsia. Soviet dissidents and samizdat (V. Kozovoy, A. Ginsburg, A. Sinyavsky, J. Daniel).

Literary, philosophical and research relations between Russia and France are far beyond those presented in the exhibition. The purpose of the present exhibition is through documentary archival heritage of two countries to revive in the public consciousness the memory of our common history, about the continuity and permanence of the Russian-French spiritual and intellectual dialogue.