Internet and society: The IV Annual “Safe Internet Forum” in Moscow
February 7, 2013 at RIA Novosti media center in Moscow will be held «Safe Internet Forum 2013» — the main annual industry conference on the safety of children and adults in the Global network.
Main key-points on the 2013 agenda:
- International experience in ensuring security in the Network.
- Information security and Runet: corporate security, fight against fishing, malware and viruses, security and online retail (payments, transactions, banking);
- Legal aspects of Net security.
- Technical issues of content filtration.
- Protection of underage users.
- Enforcement practice of FL-139 and FL-436: Pros and contras, practice of application, possible adjustments.
Also on February 7 is held the Youth International Safe Internet Forum – the final event in the traditional Russian Safe Runet Week. The week is a series of events, united by a common theme – formation of a safe online environment for children and adults and creation of culture of responsible, ethical and safe use of “new technologies”.
Speakers will also present the current view on the problems of a «positive» content; along with participants they will discuss current legislative initiatives, as well as Runet self-regulation process of network community to create safe Runet for children and adults.
Invited to participate in the Forum are: Runet experts, government officials, representatives of state ministries and departments, teachers, as well as leaders and members of public funds and juvenile organizations.