Book publishing and e-environment: The book online resource Bookish is launched

5 February 2013
Source: Pro-Books.Ru

According to the The Wall Street Journal, on February 5, 2013 it is officially launched the resource Bookish, founded by three of “Big Six” leaders of the publishing market of the USA: Penguin Group, Hachette Book Group и Simon & Schuster.

In addition to the founders, the initiative was supported by sixteen publishers: the basis of yesterday, counted about two million ISBN with the information for every name, about 400,000 pages of information about the authors, the page with book reviews from various media and their own version of the resource materials, major ratings bestsellers. Web site users are able to add their own review to the site, share advice, to make their ratings, etc.

Among other important partners of the project are the newspaper USA Today, with “book” online-section which new resource will be integrated.

In fact, Bookish is a combination of the service of recommendations with elements of social networking and media industry and online-retailer. According to Executive Director of the resource Ardi Hazeh, eventually the project purpose is to provide “enthusiasts of the reading” as much information about the books and the most convenient access to them.