World museums: The Dresden Art Gallery opened for visitors after reconstruction

31 March 2013

One of the main attractions of Dresden and the whole Germany - Old Masters Picture Gallery, which is called the Dresden Art Gallery, opened on March 27, 2013 after reconstruction. It contains one of the world’s largest collections of paintings from different eras. The pride gallery – is the world famous “Sistine Madonna” by Raphael.

The Dresden Art Gallery opened to the public, despite the massive overhaul in individual rooms. The new temporary exhibition, which in its current form will be without significant changes presumably until 2018, you can see only part of the masterpieces.

Despite a significant reduction in the exhibition space, the Dresden Art Gallery remains an attractive museum for art lovers. All of the most famous masterpieces of the collection will be presented in the framework of a temporary exhibition. One of the most famous masterpieces of the collection - the “Sistine Madonna” by Raphael is remained in its place. The famous paintings by Van Dyck, Vermeer, Correggio, Veronese, Holbein and Cranach are also represented in the temporary exposition.

A part of the canvases, stored in special rooms, will be filled with scenes from the museum collections, which have not seen the light of exhibition halls. Only one piece of art will be remained in the same place – “Dinar Caesar” by Titian, for which it was built a special showcase.

According to the curatorial concept, the new thematic focus in the Gallery of Old Masters will be portraiture of era of Durer, the altar painting of the XV-XVI centuries, still life paintings by European artists of the XVII century and the art of the Enlightenment.