Memorable dates of Russia: Exhibition “Philosopher of the biosphere. To the 150th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Vernadsky” in the National Library of Russia

29 March 2013

March 29, 2013 in the new building of the National Library of Russia (Saint-Petersburg) is opening the exhibition “Philosopher of the biosphere. To the 150th anniversary of the birth of V. I. Vernadsky”, dedicated to the Russian and Soviet natural scientist, thinker and public figure of the XX century.

The exposition features about 300 editions of the great scholar from the collections of the NLR. Each section of the exhibition is equipped with QR-codes (an analogue of bar code), through which you can obtain the detailed information about each exhibit. The use of this technology became possible thanks to the installation in the library a system of WI-FI.

The process of obtaining the information by using the program “Smart Museum” – the game, and it is designed mainly for the youth. Visitors of the exhibition will be able to talk about the exhibit to friends, to share their experience in social networks.

Among the exhibited books it should highlight such well-known works of V. I. Vernadsky, as “Works on philosophy and science”, “The biosphere and the noosphere”, “The chemical structure of the biosphere of the Earth and its environment”, “Fundamentals of Crystallography”, “Living substance in the chemistry of the sea”, as well as a number of book and journal publications dedicated to the great scientist and his scientific activity. The work of Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky had an enormous influence on the development of the Earth, the formation and growth of the USSR, on the attitudes of many people.

During his long life a prominent scholar wrote more than 700 scientific papers – they are emblematic works in the field of geology, crystallography, mineralogy, geochemistry, biology, philosophy, and many others, and became the founder of a new science - biogeochemistry. In addition, Vladimir Ivanovich Vernadsky was considered to be one of the main theorists of the study of biosphere and the noosphere.

The exhibition is organized by the National Library of Russia jointly with the Inter-parliamentary Assembly of the CIS and will run till April 22.