International events: Belarusian schoolchildren and students to take part in the Internet-Olympiad, dedicated to the 1150th anniversary of the origin of Slavic writing

27 March 2013

As part of the celebration of the 1150th anniversary of the origin of Slavic writing, the representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Belarus – the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Minsk jointly with the first Russian National Electronic Library – the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library – is holding the thematic Internet-Olympiad.

The Olympiad is held to identify and encourage the best trained participants, to raise interest of Belarusian schoolchildren and students to the objective information about the history of relations of the peoples of Belarus and Russia, to promote the self-realization of the personality and development of its cognitive interests, to stimulate the pedagogical staff on the development of skills of gifted children and talented youth. 

The participation in the Olympiad is open to schoolchildren and students living in different cities of the Republic of Belarus. At the same time competition winners will be determined by the following categories: pupils of the VIII-IX grades; pupils of X-XI grades; students of specialized secondary institution; students of higher educational institutions.

The Olympiad is held in 2 stages:

- I stage – from March 27 to April 25, 2013;

- II stage – from April 26 to May 22, 2013.

During the preparation to the Olympiad the participants can appeal to the electronic collection of documents “Cyril and Methodius – Slavic educators” (, as well as other documents, posted at the web site of the presidential library (

According to the results of the Olympiad there will be determined 12 winners, who will be participants, correctly answering to the greater number of questions of two stages of the Olympiad. The number of winners can be increased if more participants scored the same number of pints, corresponding to the level, sufficient for the determination of the winner.

The results of the Olympiad will be posted on May 24, 2013, in the Day of Slavic writing and culture, at the web site of the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Minsk:

After summing up the Olympiad at the Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Minsk will be organized a ceremony of awarding of diplomas and memorable gifts, multiple winners will be awarded with special diplomas and gifts by the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library.

Teachers and professors, who prepared the winners to the Olympiad, will be awarded with special prizes. By organizers of the Olympiad, the participants, who were not in the list of the winners, but who answered correctly to many questions, will be given letters of thanks.

For more information, please contact the head of representative office of Rossotrudnichestvo in the Republic of Belarus – the Russian Center of Science and Culture in Minsk – Kovalyova Svetlana Nikolayevna (tel./Fax: (017) 328-49-58).