To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: The third exhibition of the project “Around the throne” in Saint-Petersburg and the conference “The Romanov dynasty in the history of the Russian state” in Moscow

22 March 2013

The third exhibition of the project “Around the throne”, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the accession of the Romanov dynasty, opens on March 22, 2013 in the Museum of Political History of Russia (Saint-Petersburg).

The project “Around the throne” consists of fourteen exhibitions of one exhibit, which are on display during 2013.

The Museum of Political History of Russia presents a unique exhibit which continues the exhibition project “Around the throne” – volume: “Decrees of blessed and memorable Emperor Peter the Great autocrat of Russia. Held since 1714 by the death of his Imperial Majesty, till January 28, 1725. At the Imperial Academy of Sciences in Saint-Petersburg in 1739”.

The legislative activity of Peter the Great depicts the image of the emperor-reformer on the throne, who managed to change many aspects of domestic and foreign policy of the Russian Empire and to achieve recognition by the western European countries of the status of Russia as a great power -  a full member of international relations. The reign of Peter the Great left more than 3000 statuses, written by him or under his direction. Peter the Great wrote: “You should write the laws and decrees clearly so that they were not misinterpreted”.

The presented at the exhibition volume is a major source, describing the way of developing of reforms of the first part of the XVIII century. The volume is implemented in leather cover, on the frontispiece – the engraving with Peter the Great. The volume includes 763 laws and consists of four sections, separated by periods: 1714 – 1721, 1722, 1723, 1724 г. and January 1725.

The exhibition will be open to visitors from March 23 to April 24, 2013.

Also on March 23, 2013 at the Russian State Library (Moscow) is held the Conference “The Romanov dynasty in the history of the Russian state”.