Peoples of Russia: The Hermitage has granted Ingushetia a copy of the ancient relic of the Ingush people – “The Golden eagle”

20 March 2013
Source: Vesti

The Director of the State Hermitage Museum Mikhail Piotrovsky has granted to the leader of Ingushetia Yunus-bek Yevkurov a copy of the “Bronze eagle” made with the stored in the Hermitage from 1938 the ancient standard of the Ingush people. The copy of the relic will join the State Museum of Local Lore of Ingushetia.

The transfer of the copy of the relic is timed to the 243th anniversary of the entry of the Ingush people to the Russian Empire. “This unique work that is in the Hermitage still attracts the attention of specialists. The whole pattern, signs, style of making the sculpture – are unique”, - said Mikhail Piotrovsky.

The copy is very close to the original. It is made in the laboratory of restoration of precious metals of “The Hermitage”.

“The transfer of the “Bronze eagle” – is the historical event for the Ingush people”, - noted Yunus-bek Yevkurov. He thanked the direction of the Hermitage for the done work.