To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: Unique exhibition “The Romanov dynasty and Kolomenskoye” in the Moscow region

16 March 2013

March 16, 2013 at the Museum-Reserve “Kolomenskoye in historical halls of Nourishing court yard opens a unique exhibition “The Romanov dynasty and Kolomenskoye”.

The exhibition project is dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty on the Russian throne.

From the XIV century Kolomenskoye was the prince and then the grand and the royal patrimony. With the advent of the Romanovs comes the “Golden Age” of Kolomenskoye. September 17, 1640 the first tsar of the dynasty Mikhail Feodorovich Romanov celebrated a housewarming in the palace, which was built next to the church Our Lady of Kazan. His son, Alexei Mikhailovich, also built a palace here; on August 27, 1672 it was consecrated by Patriarch Pitirim. The palace was called as “the eighth wonder of the world”. It entered the history of Russian art as the jewel of ancient architecture. Kolomenskoye raised 16 children of Alexei, including the future tsar Feodor, Princess Sophia, Peter the Great. The role of the “Second Kremlin” this residence retained much before the move of the capital to St. Petersburg.

In addition to the fine materials, section of the exhibition, devoted to the construction of the palace, presents unique exhibits that allow get a real idea of ​​the construction of methods and the nature of the interiors of palaces of Kolomenskoye of the XVII-XIX centuries. Of particular value are preserved elements of these structures - the chair of the palace Alexei, hinges and tiles discovered during archaeological excavations in Kolomenskoye.

The theme of palace construction continues the exposition of the second floor, dedicated to the reign of the Russian tsars, is most closely related to Kolomenskoye. Valuable works of art and historical monuments and relics during the reign of Michael's, Alexei, Feodor Alekseevich, Peter I, Elizabeth, Catherine II, Alexander I, and Nicholas I provide an overview of the characteristic material environment, the change of artistic styles during the XVII - XIX centuries. The attention of the visitors will surely attract beautiful, sculptural and graphic portraits of the Romanov dynasty and their contemporaries. Along with the works of decorative art of the XVII - XIX centuries, they are designed to create an image of a bygone epoch of the Romanov dynasty.