Memory of Russia: Monuments to soldiers, fell during the World War I, the Ataman Platov and participants of the Battle of Borodino, to erect in Moscow

14 March 2013

March 12, 2013 at a meeting of the Commission on monumental art of the Moscow City Duma it was supported to erect the monument to the soldiers who fell in the World War I. The installation location is Poklonnaya Hill.

As recalled representatives of the Ministry of Culture of Russia, in the years of the war, our country lost 14 million people. In the list of dates of military glory appeared a new one: in December 2012, the President of Russia approved the amendment to the Federal Law “On the days of glory and memorials of Russia”. It entered into force on 1 January 2013. Under the amendment August 1 is declared to be the Day of Remembrance of the Russian soldiers who died in the World War I in 1914-1918. The Ministry of Culture has asked the Commission on monumental art to support the idea of ​​erecting a monument to the heroes of World War I on Poklonnaya Hill.

Also at the meeting of the Commission it was supported the offer for tenders for the erection of a monument in Moscow to a hero of the Patriotic War of 1812 to Count Matvei Platov.

The Commission also agreed with the idea of ​​erecting a memorial sign at the burial site of three hundred soldiers - members of the Battle of Borodino - near house № 28 on Kutuzov Avenue. The sign should be installed near the school № 1232.