Memory of Russia: The 100th anniversary of the birth of Sergey Mikhalkov, whose memorial to be set up in Moscow, is celebrated

13 March 2013

March 13, 2013 it is marked 100 years since the birth of the playwright, the author of anthems to the USSR and Russia.

The day before President Vladimir Putin met with the family of the poet in the near Moscow village Nikolina Gora.

The head of State noted the outstanding importance of work and art of Sergei Mikhalkov in the country's history and he also discussed with the relatives the issues of the anniversary celebration. In particular, Nikita Mikhalkov told the President about the idea of setting up ​​a monument to Sergey Mikhalkov close to home at Povarskaya Street in Moscow, where famous poet lived and worked.

Also on March 13 it will be held the solemn opening of a memorial tablet on the house № 35 on Povarsakaya Street.

The decision to create a park of Sergei Mikhalkov, as well as a monument to the poet and the writer will be accepted throughout the year, said at a press conference the head of the Department of Culture of Moscow Sergei Kapkov.

According to S. Kapkov, the park will be located at Povarskaya Street between buildings 33 and 35. The official also noted that currently the law did not allow the city to rename the parks, but soon it will be applied for the revision of the rule.

The monument to Mikhalkov will be also located in the park.