Book publishing and book distribution: The XVI International Exhibition and Fair “Books of Russia” in Moscow
The XVI International Exhibition and Fair “Books of Russia” is held from March 13-17, 2013 in Moscow.
“Books of Russia” – is one of the largest events in the business and cultural life of the country. Here is presented an extensive palette of art, scientific, documentary, educational and children’s book industry: more than 100 000 titles of books in different languages of the peoples of the Russian Federation.
Immediately after the opening there will be held a round table on “War and Peace after Stalingrad”. The book exposition “Beyond the Volga no land for us!” is dedicated to the glorious anniversary.
In addition, the program of the Fair includes discussions on innovations in the books business and problems of modern literature. A special place in the Year of Environment will take ecological issues. Anniversaries – the 210th years since the birth of Tyutchev and 100 years of the birth of Sergey Mikhalkov will not be without attention. There will be summarized the results of the IX regional and local lore contest “Little Homeland”.
For the youngest readers there is a special children's festival. Readers, authors, publishers are also invited to take part in a discussion about what should the very fair look like.
The largest part of the professional program will focus on innovations in the book business. This is a three-day business forum “BookBayt” and a two-day conference “The market of mobile devices and applications - a new ecosystem for the creation and sale of books”. These organizers will invite experts to the conference “Book electronic resources in libraries: from aggregation to the demand”. And together with the magazine “Book Industry” Rospechat will hold a conference “The printed book in an online format: conflict or synergy?”. Important industry topics to be discussed in a round table interview, scheduled by the Russian State Library, - “Books in Russia: the future that we are creating”.