Memorable dates of Russia: Exhibition to the 150th anniversary of Academician V. I. Vernadsky to open in the Archive of RAS

12 March 2013
Source: Gazeta. Ru

The documentary exhibition “Vladimir Vladimirovich Vernadsky. To the 150th anniversary of the birth” opens on March 14, 2013 in the exhibition hall of the Archive of the Russian Academy of Sciences (Moscow).

This is the only exhibition of archival documents and book editions in the series of events, dedicated to the anniversary of one of the most famous Russian scientists of the XX century. It features about 500 unique documents from the personal fund of Vernadsky, stored in the Archive of RAS. Among them are family photo albums, personal record of Academician Vernadsky, manuscripts, papers, notebooks and journals of observations, an extensive correspondence with Russian and foreign recipients, documents from the State Archive of the Russian Federation, the fine materials from the Pushkin House and published works of Vernadsky from collections of the Library on Natural Sciences of RAS.

“The documents show Vernadsky primarily as a man of science, as the founder of a whole complex of modern earth sciences. The exhibition presents manuscripts of works on geochemistry, biogeochemistry, radiology, hydrogeology, planetology, meteoritics, hydrology, isotopes, soil science, history of science”, - noted deputy director of the Archive of RAS Irina Ilyina.

The exposition includes numerous photographs from the personal collection of Vernadsky, the correspondence with writers (Leo Tolstoy, Henryk Sienkiewicz), politicians (Stolypin, Stalin, Molotov and others) as well as famous diaries of Vernadsky, telling of events of three revolutions and three wars. These diaries were kept by the scientist all his life, starting at 14 years old.

The exposition will be open to the public till April 14, 2013.