Internet resources: Google Street View has been enriched with almost 200 panoramas of Russian cities

11 March 2013
Source: Digit.Ru

Google has updated the mapping service Google Street View, having enriched it with panoramic images of streets of almost 200 Russian cities, including Kazan, Sochi, Novosibirsk, Yekaterinburg, Nizhny Novgorod and others.

Street View was launched in Russia in February 2012 and still covered not only Moscow but also Saint-Petersburg. As told representatives from Google before – the plans of the company is to make a complete map of Russia on Street View, but the exact dates for the implementation of this task, Google did not specify. From now the service will allow to make a virtual “walk” in about 200 Russian cities, see the sights and plan a route to visit as desktops, and mobile devices. Besides, Google launched Street View in Bulgaria and updated pictures in the UK.

In addition, as part of the update residents of Rostov-on-Don, Ufa, Tyumen, Kemerovo and Tver will be able to run routes of public transport including transfers and to calculate the travel time. The similar functional of routes of public transport in Russia is also in the mapping service of “Yandex”.