History and culture: Exhibition “Woman and time. XX century”, timed to the 100th anniversary of the International Women’s Day, in Moscow

7 March 2013

March 6, 2013 at the State Central Museum of Contemporary History of Russia (Moscow) opened the exhibition “Woman and time. XX century”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the proclamation of the International Women’s Day.

The exhibition is created as part of a long-term museum and exhibition project “Female Face of Russia”, designed to show the change of the role of women in the critical history of our country in the XX century on the example of the life and activity of contemporaries and participants of important social and political events.

The exposition consists of thematic sections that reflect the activities of women in the political life of the state, social, industrial, scientific and cultural spheres. The exhibition features unique materials from the collections of the Museum of Contemporary History of Russia about women’s participation in the revolutionary events, the construction of the new state, the work of the government, political, social and cultural life. It is exhibited an extensive collection of memorial exhibits, awards, documentary photo materials, items of everyday life, many of which are on display for the first time.

The exhibition is open to visitors from March 6 to April 7, 2013.