To the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov: The unique chime sounds in the Moscow Kremlin

6 March 2013
Source: Interfax

March 6, 2013 in the Moscow Kremlin it is celebrated the 400th anniversary of the House of Romanov with unique chime sound on the bell of Ivan the Terrible.

“After the ceremonial Patriarchal worship on March 6, there will be held the festive “tsar” chimes. The sound is prepared especially to the celebration of the 400th anniversary of the overcoming of the Time of Troubles in the Russian land and the accession to the throne of the new ruling dynasty”, - said the art director of chimes of the Moscow Kremlin and Christ the Savior Temple Igor Konovalov.  

According to him, to dominate in the ringing will be a 1200-pood bell “Reut”, cast in 1622. It will be hit exactly 400 times.

“We can confidently say that the bell “Reut” was heard by any from the Romanov dynasty from Mikhail Feodorovich to Nicholas II, without exception”, said the agency interlocutor.

As noted I. Konovalov, the bell “Reut” is the main sounding monument of the Romanov family. It was cast by order of the young tsar Mikhail Feodorovich and his father, Patriarch Philaret after overcoming the Time of Troubles. The bell was made by legendary master Andrey Chokhov, famed the Russian foundry art of his “Tsar Cannon”.