Information technology and Russian regions: IT-project to promote the city history “Omsk on the palm” launched
The project to promote the city history “Omsk on the palm” is launched. On historical monuments of Omsk are installed information boards with special QR-code, with the help of which anyone can view all the information about the building right on the screen of the mobile device.
By the current moment, the boards are installed on 10 monuments of history and architecture of Omsk, including such city symbols as the Drama Theatre (built in 1905) and the Palace of Governor-General of the Western Siberia (built in 1862).
Clicking on the QR-code to the web site www.omskhistory.ru, the Omsk residents and its visitors will see buildings, the history from the building to the present day, they will learn about historical and contemporary photographs, as well as specify the location of the building on the map.