Internet resources: Google Street View now covers 50 countries of the world

26 April 2013

The number of photographs of countries, which are available in the panoramas of Google Street View, has reached fifty, according to an official company blog. The current update includes photographs of streets and roads of Hungary and Lesotho (South Africa).

In addition, the developers have substantially increased “coverage” in such countries as Poland and Romania. In addition, in the Street View have become available new and updated panoramic images for nearly 350,000 kilometers of roads in the fourteen countries of the world, including Russia, Italy, Poland, Romania, Singapore, Thailand and France. In Google the last update of panoramas is called the largest ever released.

“Now you can take a virtual walk through the historic center of Budapest, right along the Danube, to see the House of Parliament or the famous Chain Bridge – they stress in the company. - Enclave Lesotho is the only independent state, a wholly at an altitude of over 1,000 meters above sea level. Enjoy the mountain views that are photographed by machine Street View, including a winding road and the lakes”.

Street View panoramic images were first appeared on Google maps in 2007. At that time, they covered only five U.S. cities. In addition to the settlements and roads, Google “digitizes” natural attractions such as Mount Elbrus and Kilimanjaro, as well as the American Grand Canyon.