World history: The exposition, dedicated to the Russian-Turkish wars, in Simferopol

24 April 2013

The exposition, dedicated to the Russian-Turkish wars, opened in the Central Museum of Taurida in Simferopol.

The exposition is timed to the 230th anniversary of the Manifesto of Catherine II on the accession of the Crimea to Russia.

At the opened exhibition, in particular, there were presented firearms and cold steel of Eastern, European and Russian production, which refer to the XVI-XVIII centuries. Also on display are banners, old maps, documents and portraits of various historical figures.

In this case, separate sections of the exhibition are findings, obtained from excavations and intelligence services in the areas of the Crimean battles and military camps during the Russian-Turkish wars. They were the coins, balls and bullets of various calibers, buttons, and some other details of military ammunition to event participants of the nineteenth century.