Russian regions: The exhibition “Murom-grad. Treasures of ancient Murom” in the Vladimir region

23 April 2013

The Murom Historical and Art Museum hosted the exposition “Murom-hail. Treasures of ancient Murom”.

The exhibition is dedicated to the little-documented era and presents the history of the “ideal” hail Murom filled with epics, tales, legends, and actual events that took place at the Murom earth in the distant past. The main characters - baptizers of Murom princes Constantine, Michael and Theodore, patrons of happy marriage Peter and Fevronia, Ulyanov Righteous Lazarus; citizens-investors and builders of churches and monasteries, the characters of Murom stories.

The exposition features objects of archeology, icons, pictorial needlework, books as well as plastic, copper and silver temples of Murom.