The Presidential Library: New acquisitions
The Presidential Library’s holdings have been enriched with video materials of its own production.
Video lectures and video tours created for educational purposes, are devoted to significant events and prominent figures of Russian history and culture.
The Time of Troubles
Video tour of the exhibition The Time of Troubles and Its Image in the Russian Science and Culture, prepared by the Presidential Library in 2012 and timed to the Day of National Unity, tells about the events and figures of the Time of Troubles, about the study and assessment of that period, the process of the formation of the historical memory about the Time of Troubles.
In her video lecture The Unreal Tsar as the problem of the Troubles in the early 17th century, the professor of the Faculty of History, State University, Doctor of Historical Sciences, Irina Mikhailova told about the dynastic crisis caused by the death of the last representative of the Rurik dynasty.
Candidate of historical sciences, senior lecturer of St. Petersburg State University, Vitaly Ananyev, dedicated his lecture Seven Boyars: From the History of the Troubles to one of the episodes associated with the history of the Time of Troubles, when, after the deposition of Vasily Shuysky, the power passed into the hands of the Boyar Commission.
The Patriotic War of 1812
In his video lecture, Napoleon and Alexander I, the Candidate of Historical Sciences, Professor of the Faculty of History, St. Petersburg State University, Oleg V. Sokolov tells about the war between Russia and France, which invaded its territory, as well as the personalities of the two emperors.
The video tour of the exhibition Glorious Year of the People’s War, prepared by the Presidential Library to mark the 200th anniversary of the victory in the war with Napoleon, focuses on such exhibits as archival documents, illustrated editions, popular prints, Russian and French cartoons.
Sergei Rakhmaninov
Lecture of the Honored Worker of Culture of the Russian Federation, professor of the Rakhmaninov Regional College of Arts in Novgorod, Director of the National Museum of fellow composers, Valery Demidov, "Where was born Sergei Rakhmaninov?" (Part 1, Part 2) considers the question of the place of birth of the composer. The lecturer examines the various views developed in the historiography regarding the issue. Valery Demidov specially focuses on the analysis of two versions of the birth of Rakhmaninov: Onega version (Oneg estate near Novgorod) and Semyonov (the estate Semenovo, Novgorod Province).
Preparation of new video materials continues.