World History and Culture: International Science Conference “The Boundaries of Memory: The Ordeal of Cultural Heritage in Armenia and Russia”

18 April 2013

From 18th to 20th of April, 2013, St.-Petersburg State University holds the International Scientific Conference “The Boundaries of Memory: Predestination of Cultural Heritage in Armenia and Russia”.

The program of conference includes the questions of collecting, reserving and actualizing the cultural heritage of the countries critical impact into regional and world cultural growth.

By disclosing common basics that influenced the Mediterranean-European culture in former times and remain an influence in the embodying that type of culture countries, we can have a deeper understanding of the consequence of world culture through the understanding its national and regional origins.

Mental, geopolitical and pragmatic potential of cultural traditions will be analyzed across traditional institutions of memory: a library, a museum and an archive.

To join a conference may scientists, museum and archive staff employees, librarians and all persons concerned of announced themes.