Russian Culture Abroad: Strasbourg National Library receives new books from Russia

17 April 2013

On April 17, 2013, in Consulate General of the Russian Federation in Strasbourg was held the grand presentation of Russian books that were received by National Library of Strasbourg University as a grant of “Russian World” Foundation.

Strasbourg National Library launched “Modern Russian Books” project in 2009 as a branch of already existing “Modern German Books” project. Modern Russian Books is supported by General Consulate of Russian Federation in Strasbourg, City Educational Academy and Embassy of the Russian Federation in Paris, France (Russian Consulate in France). The project coordinator is a head of Slavic Fund of National Library Dmitry Kudryashov.

Introducing “Modern Russian Books” project Dmitry Kudryashov emphasized that awarded grant allowed to get more than 200 books on contemporary Russian art, politics and social science. The majority of these books are deposited only with one repository in France - National Library of Strasbourg University.

The library’s CEO Mr. Puaro expressed his thanks to “Russian World” Foundation for their financial support in recent acquisition of Russian-language library and presented the project of the reconstruction of National Library of Strasbourg University, that has to be executed by fall of 2014. “One of the primary political lines of National Library is the establishing the connections with the libraries of Eastern Europe, and particularly with Russia,” - Mr. Puaro added.

The Russian language arts teaching staff in Strasbourg has gotten a great aid as the books that will help them to organize their scholar work and to refer their students to the full and valuable sources on Russian culture and history.