To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: The meeting of the scientific-practical conference “Museum libraries in modern society: The Romanovs and book culture of the XVII-XXI centuries” took place in Moscow
April 11, 2013 in Moscow has completed its work the X anniversary meeting of the scientific-practical conference “Museum libraries in modern society: the Romanovs and book culture of the XVII-XXI centuries”, held at the State Historical and Cultural Museum-Preserve “The Moscow Kremlin” (April 8-10) and the M. I. Rudomino All-Russia State Library for Foreign Literature (April 11).
The conference was attended by more than 150 representatives of museums, libraries, universities, cultural-educational organizations from Russia and Europe.
At the conference were discussed the following issues:
- history of the formation of libraries of the royal and Imperial family;
- books at the Russian court and state policy;
- history of autographs and bookplates of the Imperial family;
- modern life of Imperial book collections;
- books of members of the royal and Imperial family in foreign collections;
- editions of the Romanovs in Russia and abroad.