Information technology and society: Russia has improved its positions in the International Networked Readiness Index

11 April 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

Russia took the 54th position in the International Networked Readiness Index 2013 presented by the World Economic Forum. A year ago the country took the 56th position.

The rating is topped by Finland, Singapore and Sweden which took the previous year the 3rd, 2nd and 1st positions respectively. The Britain has risen from the 10th to 7th position, and the USA dropped by one position and now is on the 9th place. Totally the rating includes 144 countries, and it is closed with the Republic of Burundi. The authors note that in 2012 the list included 142 counters.

The Networked Readiness Index is part of the Global Report on the development of information technology (Global Information Technology Report 2013). The index reflects the willingness of the world’s economies to the use of information and communication technologies to accelerate the development.