Information technology: The most powerful supercomputer in Europe to produce in Russia

8 April 2013
Source: CNews

In the Interagency Supercomputer Center of the Russian Academy of Sciences (RAS MSC) will function the supercomputer MVS-10P Flops capacity of 10, which will become the most powerful in Europe.

“The new supercomputer MVS-10P-based architecture “RAC Tornado” 3-fold increases computing capacity of MSC and achieves several unique indicators of performance, efficiency and manageability of means, - said the director of MSC RAS ​​Academician Gennady Savin. - It provides an exploratory research at the leading edge of supercomputing disciplines and resolve urgent and fundamental scientific problems within the Russian Academy of Sciences”.

Today at the ISC is created a prototype of future computer power 523.8 teraflops. It consists of 208 compute nodes, each of which consists of two 8-core processors (only 3.3 thousand cores). The installation area is 20 square meters. In terms of energy efficiency, which is equal to 1949.3 Flops per watt, the prototype is included in the top thirty supercomputers in the world. In 2013, it is planned to increase the system performance of up to 2 petaflops, said deputy director of ISC of the RAS ​​Boris Shabanov.

According to the latest edition of the list of world’s most powerful supercomputers, the first place takes a system Titan, headquartered in Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Tennessee, the USA. Its maximum capacity is 17.6 Flops with 8.2 MW of power consumption. The number of cores is 560.6 thousand.

The most powerful today is the Russian supercomputer “Lomonosov”, located at the MSU. According to the latest rating it has a 26-place.

In the USA there are five of the ten most productive computing systems in the world. Europe accounts for 105, Asia - 124, the Americas - 264 supercomputers from the list.