Libraries and society: International seminar on urgent issues of development of librarianship in Kaliningrad

3 April 2013
Source: RIA Novosti

The International seminar “Civil Forces of Library Society: Yesterday, Today, Tomorrow”, where are discussed urgent issues of the development of librarianship, is held on April 3-4, 2013 in Kaliningrad.

The event is attended by scientists, government officials, leaders of the Russian Library Association, regional library societies and associations. The participants are from the Kaliningrad region, Omsk, Saratov, Pskov, Kemerovo, Novosibirsk, Lipetsk, Saint-Petersburg, Karelia as well as Ukraine, Belarus, Lithuania, Poland. 

“At the seminar will be discussed issues of the current state of the library public-professional movement, the place and role of library societies and associations in the system of the management of librarianship”, - said the representative of the regional government.

Also as part of the seminar will be held the round table “Library community and authority: Sticking points and mutual understanding” and video bridges with relevant societies and associations.