Society and Media: The State Duma announced the All-Russian Media contest for the best material on the Constitution and parliamentary system

2 April 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

The State Duma has announced the All-Russian contest for the best material, dedicated to the Constitution and the Russian parliamentary system. This was stated by the chairman of the lower house Sergei Naryshkin.

“This anniversary year for the Parliament, we decided to conduct a separate competition of journalistic materials on the Constitution and the parliamentary system”, - said the speaker. According to him, journalists can send their works from April 27 of this year - this is the official start of the contest. By the idea of the editorial boards of the media, the contest is open to writers of journalistic materials that are published in print and online publications, and which are available at the news agencies, TV and radio channels from 1 January to 15 November 2013. The submitted works will be evaluated by a committee of representatives of the Public Chamber of Russian Lawyers’ Association, the Office of Public Relations and Media Relations of the State Duma.

The contest will be held in seven nominations: the best publication of news agencies, the best TV work, the best radio material, the best publication in the journal, the best publication in the internet-edition and the best photography.