Internet resources: The search engine “Yandex” has introduced the system of data processing in real time

30 May 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

Russia’s largest Internet search engine “Yandex” has updated its search engine and now takes into account not only the interests of its users, but also the short-time ones. According to the company, this has become possible due to the data processing system in real time.

“Heretofore “Yandex” daily has filled its knowledge of the interests of users, and this made it possible to take into account long-term interests, - the company said. – A new search is able to react to short-term interests that quickly occur and go out”.

“Yandex” analyzes the data of the current user’s search session. They begin to affect the results in just a few seconds”, - noted in the company. The new version of the personalized search is operating for all users. Even if a man first went at “Yandex” and asked a couple of questions, the search is already beginning to take into account their interests. If the user does not want the search engine to take into account his momentary mood, he can turn off personalized search in the settings at the web site of “Yandex”.