To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: Unique books and electronic gallery of autographs first presented in Kuzbass

28 May 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

The V. D. Feodorov Kemerovo Regional Scientific Library hosted an exhibition dedicated to the Romanov dynasty. The exposition is formed of 82 unique books from the collection of the Russian State Library, portraits, as well as the electronic presentation of the autographs of the royal dynasty rulers.

Most of the exhibits are unique, and the residents of the region for the first time were able to see them. “The exhibition “But the king’s duty – a great duty…” The Romanov Dynasty in the book culture of Russia” presents various editions - luxury and modestly decorated, large and very tiny, with maps, illustrations or without them. The books illustrate the whole historical perspective of the Romanovs, as well as talk about the most important events in the life of the country”, - he said.

In order the audience could not only see, but also in part remember the history, to every ruler is given biographical information with an indication of public acts. Also, there are portraits of kings, emperors, empresses and their families, images of military, cultural events and household things of a particular historical period. The exhibition is complemented by electronic presentation “Autographs of the Romanov family’. The book contains handwritten signatures, comments, inscriptions left on the books of the representatives of the dynasty.