Russian regions: The electronic library of rare editions “Open Book” to create in Togliatti

27 May 2013

May 24, for the Day of Slavic Writing and Culture, the Library of the Togliatti Local Lore Museum began the work on the project “Open Book”, implying the creation of digital copies of rare books on specific topics.

This project represents a unique anniversary edition of Alexander Pushkin “The Fountain of Bakhchisaray”, dedicated to the 100th anniversary of the birth of the poet. It was released in 1899 in Moscow. The edition was printed in one of the best printing houses of the Russian Empire – the printing house of A. A. Levenson, specializing in the production of expensive and exquisite books on history and literature.

The illustrations are made by ​​a rare chromo way. The publishers specially ordered cliché in companies “Scherer”, “Nabgoltz and K°”. Also for special editions have been produced special paints at a factory of Gleitsman - all this gave it the sophistication and superior quality printing.