Internet resources: “Yandex” to update map services and panoramas for the Olympiad in Sochi
Russia’s largest Internet search engine “Yandex” will update its services “Maps” and “Panoramas” for the Olympic Games in Sochi. This was reported in the press service of the company, reminding that the detailed maps of Sochi appeared at “Yandex” 4 years ago.
“Since then we update them regularly, the last change was in January this year”, - noted at “Yandex”. Sochi is one of 235 cities in Russia, which are available at “Yandex.Panoramas”, and “Yandex.Spravochnik” now contains information on more than 7600 organizations of the city. “For the Olympic Games of 2014, we will further update “Yandex”, panorama pictures and information about organizations in Sochi” - the company said.
Earlier Google announced about its plans to update the mapping services for the Olympic Games.