International events: The Days of Germany held in Pskov

24 May 2013

May 23-25, 2013 in Pskov are held the Days of Germany.

The program of the Days of Germany in Pskov includes educational seminars, literary readings, film screenings, concerts, round tables and a big street party, which can be attended by everyone.

The purpose of the three-day festival is to present residents of the city a cultural diversity of one of the most dynamically developing countries in Europe and to tell about the opportunities which are available due to the knowledge of the German language.

Russia and Germany have long-standing and strong partnership. In order to their further enhance, in summer 2012 started the cross year of Germany and Russia, which is held under the motto “Together we build the future”.

The program of the Days of Germany in Pskov can be divided into three areas: the social aspect, cultural and historical events and educational seminars and workshops devoted to the study of German language and the studying in Germany.

A special place in the plan of the Days of Germany belongs to professional seminars for German teachers and students-philologists. The seminar topics are “Early learning of a foreign language” and “Communicative approach to the teaching of the German language”. Also as part of this program will be a colloquium “Actual Problems of Linguistics” during which will be addressed the scientific and practical lectures by German students of the German branch of the Faculty of Foreign Languages ​​of the Pskov State University.