To the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty: The book-illustrative exhibition “Forgotten and unknown Russia” in Copenhagen

22 May 2013

The Russian Centre of Science and Culture in Copenhagen on May 17, 2013 hosted the opening of the book-historical exhibition “Forgotten and unknown Russia”, dedicated to the 400th anniversary of the Romanov dynasty.

The exhibition includes books and videos dedicated to the glorious pages of history in the life of the Russian state.

The presentation of the exhibition was held by publishing project authors and editors of the historical series “Forgotten and unknown Russia” by V. Blagov and S. Sapozhnikov who brought great editions of this series. There are 90 books by 52 authors. The series was founded in 2000, and the first book was released in 2001. The whole party, brought to book presentations by V. Blagov and S. Sapozhnikov, was granted to the library of the Russian Center.