Internet resources: Google Inc. has introduced the updated version of the Google Maps service

19 May 2013

Google Inc. has introduced a new web version of the service Google Maps, which includes a new interface, ratings, reviews, attractions and the opportunity to view the terrain in 3D-format. This was reported at the company’s official blog.

According to BBC, the update was announced at conference of developers of Google I/O 2013 held in San Francisco (USA), on 15-17 May 2013.

New Google Maps will be placed on the full screen browser page and will become “fully interactive”. The search results will be marked directly on the map with a description of place and other useful information. The places recommended by friends at Google+ will be emphasized.

In addition, there will be an overview of the terrain and the interactive “carousel”, representing a series of op-ed pictures of local attractions in 3D-format.

The redesign of Google Maps is aimed at “personalization” service that will provide users with things which exactly suit their interests.