To the 400th Anniversary of the Romanov Dynasty: "For Faith and Fatherland. The Romanov Dynasty and the Army" Exhibition in St. Petersburg

17 May 2013

"For Faith and Fatherland. The Romanov Dynasty and the Army" exhibition opens on May 17, 2013, at the St. Petersburg’s Military Historical Museum of Artillery, Engineers and Signal Corps, to expose the unbreakable, centuries-old history of ties between reigning monarchs and other members of the royal family with the Russian Army.

At all times the Armed Forces been the subject of special care of the throne in the Russian Empire. The Romanov Dynasty representatives not only served in peacetime, but also actively participated in numerous wars waged by the Russian Empire.

There are many in one way or another related to the military service of the princes and the grand dukes of the Romanov dynasty items in museum repository. That why the range of the exhibition’s displays is unusually wide: painting, bronze, military costume, weapons, photography, existence. Exceptionally valuable part of the exposition is memorabilia of Emperors Peter the First, Nicholas the First, Alexander the Second, Alexander the Third, Nicholas the First, Empresses Catherine the Second and Maria Fiodorovna.

There are the uniforms, uniformed dresses, orders, cold steel rewards, military units’ gifts awarded their bosses, and numerous other things associated with and remembering Russian monarchs and many members of their families. In fact, all these relics are the unique materials and historical and artistic documents proving the centuries of unbroken connection of the Romanov Dynasty and the Russian Army.