Society and Culture: Bibliology Reading " Sts. Cyril and Methodius Tradition in Pskov"

14 May 2013

On May 14, 2013, the conference hall of the Pskov Region Universal Scientific Library opens the second bibliographic reading "Sts. Cyril and Methodius tradition in Pskov."

Cyril and Methodius readings traditionally take place in May at Pskov Region Scientific Library and timed to the Slavic Writing and Culture Day that is celebrated on May 24th - the day of the Saints’ Cyril and Methodius Memory. This year that date is remarkable - the whole Slavic world celebrates the 1150th anniversary of a written language, created by Cyril and Methodius in 863.

Reading in Pskov Regional Library continues a tradition that started in the late XIX century. First festival dedicated to the Saints Cyril and Methodius was held in Pskov on April 6, 1885. At the beginning of twentieth century the 24th of May  (11th of May, Old Style) was widely celebrated every year. These days Russian festival was revived in 1986 and became a state holiday in 1991.

"St. Cyril and Methodius Tradition in Pskov" reading gather local historians, museum professionals, educators and students, librarians and specialists archives, owners of personal book collections, and reading amateurs owning home libraries for round-tables and conferences.

The students of Pskov State University will participate in the event, getting a chance for a good beginning of their research careers, because selected readings will be collected and published.