Internet and history: “Victorious May” unique information resource launched on the official website of the Russian Defense Ministry

7 May 2013

April 30, 2013, on the eve of the 68th anniversary of the Great Victory, the official website of the Ministry of Defense launched a permanent unique digital information resource "Victorious May", dedicated to the final stage, the historical results of the most fierce and bloody wars of the 20th century - the Great Patriotic War.

The resource includes unique, never before published documents and photographs depicting the course of recent combat operations, the heroism of the soldiers of the Red Army during the Great Patriotic War, the Victory Parade held on June 24, 1945.

For example, one of the sections explains when and how Stalin made a decision to hold Victory Parade, how mixed regiments were formed, the way they were armed, by whom, and of what material was sewn dress uniform for the participants of the parade, where the repetitions took place. Probably very few people know that they parade was supposed to include the aviation part - this is stated in the documents posted in the section, but due to weather conditions, heavy rain, it had to be canceled.

Undoubted interest of visitors to the site will be inspired by an interactive map of Russian cities, which in a few days will hold military parades in honor of the Victory in the Great Patriotic War. By activating it, you can learn in details both about the number of troops taking part in the festivities, and about military equipment involved in the process.

Visitors to the website will also be presented with a rich arsenal of multimedia materials: orders and directives of NKO USSR, photographs from the archives of the military magazine "Frontline Illustration", newsreel of the Victory Parade and memories of its participants, presentations and information graphics on the preparation of the current military parade, members of which are the heirs of soldiers-winners, a photo exhibition of author's works devoted to the Great Patriotic war.