Electronic libraries: The XV All-Russian Scientific conference on advanced methods and technology of the work of electronic libraries to be held in Yaroslavl
The XV All-Russian Scientific Conference RCDL’2013 “Electronic Libraries: Advanced Methods and Technologies, Electronic Collections” will be held from 14 to 17 October 2013 in Yaroslavl.
The topics of the event are:
- Analysis of the data in social networks,
- Virtual environments for research, environment information of collaborative development,
- Integration, interoperability and mashups of heterogeneous information resources (structured, semi-structured, unstructured),
- Instrumental ways of electronic libraries’ development and digital collections,
- Intellectual data mining, knowledge extraction,
- Information security,
- Infrastructure systems with the data-intensive use,
- The quality of digital resources, quality metrics, data cleansing,
- Composition representation of the content: multimedia, geographical, statistical data and other special data formats,
- Metadata, ontology, conceptual modeling,
- Models, architecture and infrastructure of electronic libraries.