Society and Church: The exposition, dedicated to the life and work of patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, to open in Arzamas
In August 2013 in the city of Arzamas of the Nizhny Novgorod region in the branch of the Nizhny Novgorod State Historical and Architectural Museum-Reserve is planned the opening of the exhibition devoted to the life and work of the patriarchs of the Russian Orthodox Church, including those born in the Nizhny Novgorod land - Patriarchs of Moscow and Nikon of All Russia (1605-1681) and Sergius Stragorodsky (1867-1944). The exhibition will feature modern replicas and original things of patriarchs. The project is implemented jointly with the Nizhny Novgorod State Historical and Architectural Museum Reserve and the Nizhny Novgorod diocese of the Russian Orthodox Church. The future museum – “The Museum of Russian patriarchate” - will be interesting to residents of Nizhny Novgorod and Arzamas, Orthodox pilgrims as well as tourists and visitors of the city.
The museum will be housed in the monument of architecture - the building of a policeman Magistrate of the 2nd half of the XVIII century in the historic center of Arzamas in the Cathedral Square. This is a unique for the Nizhny Novgorod region and the country the unreconstructed administrative building at the time.
One of the themes of the exposition will reveal the story of a policeman magistrate Arzamas. Magistrates were created in the first quarter of the XVIII century during the reforms of Peter I as a local elected administrative and police, judicial and tax authorities. The magistrate also conducted the affairs of the postscript to the merchant class and the petty bourgeoisie, on the issuance of bills of sale and mortgage of land and houses, carried out conscription, conducted a population census, conducted the book of urban land and buildings, including those belonging to the monastery, gave out certificates when they were buying and etc.