Russian regions: The Amur Regional Research Library provides courses on mastering of computer literacy

20 June 2013

The regional Research Library continues the cooperation with the Amur regional office OOO “Union of pensioners of Russia”.

June 18, in the Amur Regional Center of the Boris Yeltsin Presidential Library started courses on mastering of computer literacy for the second group of listeners of the University “The Third Age”.

The purpose of the courses is the promotion of a mastery computer technology among the elderly and pensioners for the successful social adaptation in the information environment, the expansion of communication, the getting of state services through the Internet.

For 12 classes listeners will learn how to draw text in a text editor, to find information in the Internet, to create electronic presentations as well as use e-mail.

The classes in the Amur Regional Center of the Presidential Library are held twice a week – on Tuesdays and Thursdays for an hour. While finishing the classes the listeners will be able to get a private consultation of a specialist.