Information technology and society: Organizations need to create special programs to control their information in the future

14 June 2013
Source: TASS Telecom

Organizations need to create special programs to control their information in the future, according to forecasts of the research company Gartner by 2019 90% of the companies will not be able to control their data stored on third-party IT-systems.

“While the amount of personal information increases repeatedly, people and their personal data will increasingly become a target for hackers of protection systems. And in most cases, ultimately, the organization will continue to be responsible for personal data contained in its IT-systems” - said Carsten Casper, vice president of Gartner on research issues. Karsten believes that companies need to come up with a way out of this situation by creating a special program that allows you to store information in the distance, but with full access to it.

For the development of this strategy Gatner advises to adhere to the following: to make a clear distinction between personal and non-personal information, provide it with the best protection, adhere to common standards for storage of personal information or create your own.