Information technology and museums: The N. A. Nekrasov “Karabiha” Museum Reserve

11 June 2013

The N. A. Nekrasov “Karabiha” Museum Reserve (the Yaroslavl region) has been working on processing, correction and conversion of its cultural assets into digital assets. The possibility of the digitizing is the center expanded with the help of software LIMB IMAGING.

The digitizing center is created in the Museum Reserve in 2011 on the basis of large-format scanner ELARA PauerSkan A1. To date, it has already been digitized a part of rare books, and is created an electronic library In the near future it is planned the scanning of lifetime editions of Nekrasov, the first children’s books published in Russia, as well as archives of writers of the Yaroslavl region, constituting a documentary foundation “Karabiha”.

In May 2013 the “Electronic Archive” Corporation has put in the Museum Reserve “Karabikha” the software for post-processing of scanned images. The direct integration of software with the scanner ELAR PauerSkan has significantly extended the functionality of the center of digitization and has enhanced the quality of images.

The image processing functions of ON LIMB IMAGING, in addition to the standard of manual and automatic algorithms such as trimming on the format, the vertical alignment and the like, include: the correction of the curvature of book pages, refining (e.g., fingerprints), removal and filling in the background, correction of lighting, the segmenting of images into zones. In addition, at the received by the Museum Reserve base solution LIMB is an automatic inspection of defects images - blur, exposure errors, lack of fragments, etc.

The delivery of LIMB IMAGING to the N. A. Nekrasov “Karabiha” Museum Reserve is one of the first projects in the prospective direction of the new software.